Clássic Chinese Chow Mein is one of those dishes thát seems elusive, like there is some secret recipe thát áll Chinese restáuránts know ánd no mátter whát we do át home it is just never the sáme. I won’t lie ánd sáy you cán drop some spághetti into the pot ánd ádd some regulár soy sáuce ánd máke chow mein mágic háppen, but I cán tell you with á quick trip to your locál ásián grocer or ámá you cán máke truly áuthentic Clássic Chinese Chow Mein in less thán 20 minutes.


  • 2 táblespoons cánolá oil

  • 1/4 heád cábbáge thinly sliced

  • 2 cloves gárlic , crushed ánd minced

  • 2 táblespoons sweet soy sáuce (áká Kecáp Mánis)* see note for homemáde substitute

  • 2 táblespoons soy sáuce

  • 4 táblespoons oyster sáuce

  • 1 cup wáter

  • 12 ounces chow mein noodles , cooked á minute shy of the directions*

  • 6 ounces beán sprouts (optionál)

  • sesáme seeds for gárnish (optionál)

  1. Heát á lárge pán or wok on high heát.

  2. ádd two táblespoons of cánolá oil to the pán ánd cook the cábbáge.

  3. Cook 2-3 minutes until wilted, ádd the gárlic ánd cook for án ádditionál 30 seconds.

  4. ádd the soy sáuce, sweet soy sáuce, oyster sáuce ánd wáter ánd bring to á boil for 1 minute.

  5. ádd in the pástá ánd beán sprouts ánd toss to coát.

For more detáil visit :


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