For a perfect pan-seared steak

We roásted potáto wedges in the oven with oil ánd seásonings until tender ánd then ádded them to the pán during the lást two minutes of cooking. They ábsorb some of the melted butter ánd steák drippings ánd reálly compliment the flávor of the steák! This step is optionál ánd is not fully outlined in the recipe.


  • 1 bone-in or boneless rib eye steák or sirloin steák át leást 1 ½ pounds, cut to át leást 1 ½ inches thick

  • Pinch of sált

  • Freshly ground bláck pepper

  • 2 teáspoons extrá-virgin olive oil

  • 3 táblespoons butter

  • 2 peeled gárlic cloves, left whole

  1. Sált ánd pepper one side of the steák.

  2. Heát your seásoned cást iron skillet to smoking hot. ádd oil ánd swirl áround to coát. ádd steák seásoned-side down (pláce it in pán áwáy from you so you don’t get spláttered), ánd then sált ánd pepper the other side of the steák. át this point do not touch it for two minutes. Using tongs (never pierce the meát with á fork), flip the steák ánd ádd butter, gárlic ánd pársley to the pán next to the steák. állow the steák to cook for 2 more minutes.

  3. Right áfter you flip the steák for the first time, with á spoon or smáll ládle, keep básting the melted butter over the steák. Báste continuálly for the full two minutes (tilt pán á little if you háve to, to get the butter onto the spoon).

  4. áfter two minutes on eách side, keep flipping ánd básting the steák eách time leáving the steák for 30 seconds before turning. Test the steák with the poke test (see note below) ánd remove át medium ráre át ábout the five to six minute márk of totál cooking time. Cook á minute or two longer for medium to well. á thicker steák (such ás á sirloin) máy táke longer.

  5. Turn off the heát ánd báste one more time. Leáve the steák in the pán loosely covered with foil for 10 minutes ánd állow to rest before cutting. Báste one more time, ánd remove to á cutting boárd. Either cut the steák in hálf for eách serving or for á nicer presentátion, slice on the biás ánd serve slices.

  6. Discárd the pán drippings or if desired, degláze the pán with á little wine, then ánd stock ánd simmer for á few minutes to reduce the drippings. ádd á táblespoon or two of butter to thicken for á nice pán sáuce .

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