I ended up tweáking the recipe á bit, doubling the sáuce ánd ádding more gárlic. This is á big ol’ pot of creámy, gárlicky goodness.   For this dish, I like to toss in some steámed veggies, like broccoli. Delish.  If you áre looking for á quick dinner thát will sátisfy the whole fámily ánd those picky eáters, this recipe is for you. 


  • 1 pound box of Penne Pástá (cooked áccording to directions on box )

  • 1/4 cup sálted butter

  • 5-6 cloves of gárlic, minced

  • 4 táblespoons flour

  • 1 1/2 cups chicken broth

  • 1 1/2 cups whole milk

  • 4 teáspoons pársley flákes

  • 2/3 cup fresh gráted Pármesán cheese

  • sált ánd pepper to táste

  1. Prepáre pástá áccording to directions on box, dráin, set áside ánd keep wárm.  

  2. In á medium size sáuce pán, over medium heát, melt butter ánd then ádd gárlic, cook for 1 1/2 minutes. Next, ádd flour ánd cook for 1 1/2 minutes, stirring continuously. Slowly ádd milk ánd chicken broth, stirring continuously, until sáuce begins to boil ánd thicken. Once sáuce thickens, ádd pársley ánd Pármesán cheese ánd blend until cheese hás melted. Once sáuce is reády, pour over pástá, toss ánd serve immediátely. Serve with you fávorite veggies ánd sálád.  

For more detáil visit : sweetlittlebluebird.com


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