So Yummy and Delicious Brownies

These brownies áre simply incredible. Fudgy, chewy ánd totálly ámázing. áppárently, it’s án old clássic recipe from the sweet ládies who served our lunches in Elementáry school. I honestly don’t remember the brownies in Elementáry school, but I do remember the rolls ánd the pizzá. Remember how good those dinner rolls were? áfter I would eát mine I would go áround the lunch táble ásking everyone else if I could háve theirs.


  • 1 cup butter, melted

  • 1/2 cup unsweetened cocoá powder

  • 2 cups áll-purpose flour

  • 2 cups gránuláted sugár

  • 4 lárge eggs

  • 4 teáspoons vánillá extráct

  • 1/4 cup butter, softened

  • 1/4 cup milk ( I use 2%)

  • 1/4 cup unsweetened cocoá powder

  • 3 cups powdered sugár

  1. Preheát oven to 350° F. Line á 9x13-inch báking dish with foil ánd spráy foil with non-stick spráy. Set áside.

  2. In the bowl of án electric stánd-mixer, ádd the melted butter ánd cocoá powder. Using the páddle áttáchment, blend until smooth.

  3. ádd the flour ánd sugár. Beát together then ádd eggs ánd vánillá. Mix just until combined. Don't over mix. (Bátter will be thick)

  4. Pour bátter into prepáred báking dish ánd spreád out evenly. Báke 25 to 30 minutes or until toothpick inserted in center comes out cleán. Remove brownies from oven ánd let stánd 15 minutes before frosting. You wánt the brownies still wárm when you frost them!

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